viernes, 29 de mayo de 2015


Amigos Lunáticos:
He aquí una lista de accidentes lunares que podremos observar durante el sábado y el domingo en las mismas condiciones que se dieron en pasados reportes de fenómenos lunares transitorios. Las observaciones permiten registrar si lo que se observó se repite (lo que seguramente indicaría que no estamos en presencia de un FLT sino de un fenómeno producido por las condiciones de iluminación de la superficie) o no se repite (indicio de un FLT).
Recuerden que a los horarios en UT hay que descontarles 3 horas para tener el  horario argentino.
Selección para telescopios de aficionado.

30 de mayo:

Mancha roja en Timocharis:

2015-May-30 UT 00:37-02:25 Ill=87% Timocharis observed by Firsoff on 1954-10-8. Observed by Firsoff (Somerset, England, 6.5" reflector? x240) "Red glow." NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #573.

Manchas circulares en Aristarco:

2015-May-30 UT 00:38-02:26 Ill=87% Aristarchus observed by Grego_P on 1987-1-11. On 1987 Jan 11 at UT 18:15-23:00 P. Grego (Birmingham, UK, 6" reflector, seeing=III) sketched Aristarchus crater and saw two luminous circular patches on the exterior west wall - these were less bright than the inner wall but brighter than the outer wall. The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=292 and weight=5.

Oscurecimiento en Plato:

2015-May-30 UT 00:38-02:26 Ill=87% Plato observed by Moore_P on 1987-1-11.    On 1987 Jan 11 at UT P. Moore (Sussex, UK) found the the floor of Plato was much more drk than the adjacent Mare Imbrium. Furthemore there was a blurring of detail over the northeast wall and onto the nearby floor. Detail elsewhere in the crater was OK. By 23:00UT there was less lack of detail effects. M. Cook (Frimley, UK) at 21:55UT noted the obscured area but decided that it was narrower than the same effect one month ago and suspected that she may have been observing towards the end of  this TLP.
The effect gradually dimmed between 21:55 and 22:45UT. Other    craters were normal. G. North was affected by poor seeing conditions. Davies detected a slight obscurtion on the north east corner - it was a misty gray feature at x200. The Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID was  292 and the weight was 5. Tha ALPO/BAA weight was 4.

Mancha oscura en Gassendi:

2015-May-30 UT 00:48-02:42 Ill=87% Gassendi observed by Unknown_Observer on 1889-5-11. n 1889 May 11 at 22:00? UT an unknown observer saw an ink black spot      on the rampart of Gassendi. It had not been seen before ar at the next lunation or indeed ever again. Cameron 1978 catalog ID=261 and wight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

Oscurecimiento del suelo del cráter Proclus:

2015-May-30 UT 03:09-04:55 Ill=87% Proclus observed by Bartlett on 1970-10-12. Proclus 1970 Oct 12 UT 00:54 Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 4" reflector, 51x-181x) "Floor darkened to intensity 1.5 deg (albedo) & c.p. became invis. Next day c.p. reappared & was 5 deg bright & 6deg bright on 15th" NASA catalog weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #1277.

Mancha luminosa, como un pico, en las sombras del cráter Herodoto:

2015-May-30 UT 03:32-05:29 Ill=87% Herodotus observed by Bartlett on 1957-9-6. Observed by Bartlett (Baltimore, MD, USA, 5" reflector x180, S=1-5,T=5) Pseudo peak visible within floor shadow at 03:10h" NASA catalog  weight=4 (high). NASA catalog ID #671. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

Oscurecimiento en Herodoto:

2015-May-30 UT 03:54-05:48 Ill=87% Herodotus observed by Haas_W on 2002-2-24. On 2002 Feb 24 UT 05:15-05:35 W. Haas (Las Cruces, NM, USA) observed an     obscuration in Herodotus - the shadown was, almost, but not completely black.
ALPO/BAA weight=2.

Mancha luminosa en Schickard:

2015-May-30 UT 04:13-05:54 Ill=87% Schickard observed by Watkins_E on 1972-9-19. Schickard 1972 Sep 19 UT 19:45-20:25, 20:00-23:30 Observed by Watkins    (Herts., Eng. 4.5" reflector, x225, S=G) Amery (Reading, Eng.m 12" reflector?), Fitton (Lancashire, Emg., 8.5" reflector) and Moore (Selsey, Eng., 12.5" reflector?, 4.5" refractor 45-225x, S=P) "Luminous, nebulous spot attracted Watkin's att'n. Got brighter.  Checked 'scope--not instru. Obj. had greenish-gray color, size @ 15km.      Amery & Fitton with blink devices noted nothing unusual at later times (2000-2330h). Aris., Plato, Gass. were neg. at 1930-2025h (date not given, guessed at fr. available info.).
Turbulence, lasting secs. at a time." NASA catalog weight=2. NASA catalog ID #     1344. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

Una neblina sospechosa en Mons Pico:

2015-May-30 UT 05:40-05:54 Ill=88% Mons_Pico observed by Rawstron on 1933-10-1. On 1933 oct 01 at UT 03:00 Rawstron (USA, 4" refractor, x330) observed      the following in Mons Pico B: "Haze -- much narrower & elongated than  on Sep. 1".
The Cameron 1978 catalog ID=407 and weight=3. The ALPO/BAA  weight=2.

Una raya luminosa y pasajera en Aristarco:

2015-May-30 UT 22:17-00:10 Ill=92% Aristarchus observed by Johnson on 1937-9-17. Johnson, of Des Moines, Iowa, USA, using a 7" reflector and an 8" refractor, saw a bight streak. The observer looked later, but it was no longer visible. Cameron thinks that it might have been a reflection from the wall.
Cameron 1978 catalog ID=423 and weight=1. ALPO/BAA  weight=1.

31 de mayo:

Un raro fenómeno en Plato:

2015-May-31 UT 03:19-07:13 Ill=93% Plato observed by Moore_P on 1984-2-14.     On 1984 Feb 14 P. Moore (Selsey, UK) observed that Plato was darker than the nearby mare and no detail could be seen on the floor or the  eastern wall - the later was obscured. At 23:40UT some dimming was still present on the north east wall and still no detail on the floor  of Plato. Cook noticed that the eastern floor close to the wall was   misty and also noted no detail on the floor. Amery though noted that all parts of the floor were sharp although some darkening was visible  in the north west and a hint of obscurtion. The east wall though was  quite sharp. Mosely could see the central craterlet but from 8-6  o'clock tricky to define (Foley says that this effect has been seen at this colongitude before). Streak ray across the floor of Plato seen      (North) - filter measurements made.
Cameron 2006 catalog extension ID= 241 and weight=5. ALPO/BAA weight=2.

Oscurecimiento de Gassendi:

2015-May-31 UT 04:09-05:52 Ill=93% Gassendi observed by Robinson_JH on 1977-5-30. On 1977 May 30 at 21:04-02:13UT J.H.-Robinson noted a loss of  detail inside Gassendi, however he did not regard this as a TLP.
The effect was also seen by P.W. Foley. Cameron 2006 extension catalog TLP ID=16 and weight=0 ALPO/BAA weight=1.

Aumento de brillo en Aristarco:

2015-May-31 UT 05:01-06:49 Ill=93% Aristarchus observed by Louderback_D on 1988-1-2. On 1988 Jan 02 at 06:41-07:08 UT D. Louderback (South Bend, WA, USA,  using a 8" reflector, seeing 4 out of 10) observed that at 06:56 UT      Aristarchus floor (point F) brightened rapidly from an intensity of 5.2  to 6, however at 07:08 UT the spot returned to normal. He also noticed  that the bands on the walls varied every few minutes. A mist like appearance was seen on the floor of Aristarchus. Through a red filter he could see through the haze, but floor detail could not be seen  through a blue filter.
Cameron 2006 extension catalog ID=316 and     weight=4. ALPO/BAA weight=3.

Una anomalía luminosa en Daniell:

2015-May-31 UT 22:12-23:59 Ill=97% Daniell observed by Unknown_Observer on 1982-3-8. Unknown observer. A colour and brightness anomaly was seen a TLP      alert was put out.
Cameron 2006 catalog extension weight=165 and weight=3. ALPO/BAA weight=2.